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The second of the Best of Shisai, which is a selection of popular songs from recent Shisai CDs. Select songs by dividing the theme into neo-Andes, world music, and Latin. You can enjoy playing with a unique arrangement that Shisai is good at. Also includes Andean masterpiece "Condor flies" and Shisai original songs.
20 songs in a set of 2 CDs.

The Best of Sisay Vol 2, which is a selection of popular songs  divided into different  musical concepts; the neo-Andes, world music, and Latin. You can enjoy listening the  unique arrangement that Sisay  is good at. Also includes Andean masterpiece "El Cóndor Pasa" and Sisay  original songs. 20 songs in a set of 2 CDs.

The Best of Sisay Vol 2, es un album con la mejor selección de canciones populares divididas en diferentes conceptos musicales; los neo-andinos, músicas del mundo y latín. Le invitamos disfrutar escuchando los arreglos únicos de Sisay. "El Cóndor Pasa" y canciones originales del grupo. 20 canciones en un juego de 2 CDs.


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